Spelling Words
For spelling you have several choices. You can use the spelling words below and plug them into www.spellingcity.com.
This site is enjoyed by some kids. Mine, on the other hand, did not respond to it as well.
You could also do the traditional spelling tests with writing each word in a sentence, defining each word the next day, etc.
Mine enjoyed continuing the option of 'learning with games'. Simply place the spelling words on index cards and introduce the new subject to your board games. Monopoly works best.(Feel free to continue using m n m's or skittles for correct answers) Use a separate color for each subject. (for example- blue is spelling, yellow is sight words, etc) Make sure you use dice so they can practice their adding, or have fun and have them subtract the dice.
****If writing the words on cards seems like too much for you, and I'm with you it really is time-consuming, feel free to message me. I can send you hand-written cards that I will make myself for $5 a grade /subject(plus s/h). This will be a whole year worth of cards for sight either sight or spelling words. (I will also separate them into smaller 'categories' for you) But if you write them yourself, it's free- your choice!
For more fun, throw in three or four dice! When they land on the spelling color, (or whatever you are using to signify spelling) have them spell the word. If, offhand, they miss the word, have them say and spell the word 4 or 5 times in a row, while showing card. (example: ant, a-n-t, ant, a-n-t .......) If they miss the word while doing this, they have to start over. Doing this will etch the word into their memory. (Also remember, if they miss the word, they can not move forward, but backwards) On the next turn, present them with the same word. Put it a few cards down so they can review it again. When they can easily spell the word for a month, toss the card. When all cards are gone, move onto the next level/color.
**I have collected words from all over. They aren't necessarily in alphabetical order, but I order them like this to make sure I don't have repetition. Feel free to introduce them in any order. There will also be blocks of words that have similar sounds.
a, alone, awake, asleep, around, apart, alike, ago, arose, along, aside, afraid, amount, away, again, any, are, add, after, apple, arm,
bus, bean, back, bake, brick, broke, bless, bell, be, by, brush, brown, burn, book, boot, born, barn, bite, baseball, boat, because, baby, bottle, been, baking, bench, blind, bicycle, bang, banana, bark, beat, being, best, bill, bike, bird, bone, black, blew, block, blue, brag, bring,, brook, brother, bush,
cub, coat, cone, cute, came, cake, cat, clock, clay, cuff, cross, cry, cloud, cow, clown, crown, curl, chin, check, chick, cool, chalk, cornstalk, car, calling,, coming, church, choose, chest, cold, child, comb, climb, cent, city, circus, circle, cane, chain, card, cart, case, chair, chat, chop, clam, clan, clap, class, clean, crayon, club, cook, corn, could, cram, crib, crow, crowd, cube,
day, doll, do, down, dirt, don't, ditch, dark, deal, desk, dew, dime, dine, door, draw, dress, drink, drop, dull, deep,
each, east, easy, eight, eleven, end, every,
fresh, first, food, foot, fork, from, farmer, fold, find, face, fang, farther, fast, fell, few, field, fill, fine, flag, flat, flew, flower, fog, fool, foot, fort, free, feel,
goat, game, gray, go, girl, good, give, garden, getting, gold, grace, gang, gave, gift, glad, going, golf, gone, grape, grass, green, grew, grit, gull,
he, her, have, horse, happy, here, hop, hops, hopped, hopping, hit, hitting, hugged, hiking, hike, hiked, hoping, hoped, had, hand, hang, hard, harm, has, heat, heavy, help, hide, hill, hint, home, hope, horn, how, hush, hot, hay, hopes, his,
jumping, joined, jaw, joke, juice, jump, just,
kite, kick, keep, king, kicked,, kind, keep, know,
I, I'm, ice, ill, inside, into,
like, lick, look, loose, looking, lady, little, lift, lifted, looked, likes, liked, liking, lace, last, lake, late, lime, line, live, love, luck,
man, made, me, my, moon, much, mother, marble, middle, making, match, Mr. Mrs., Miss, mild, mind, mice, maid, make, many, map, mask, may, meal, meat, meet, men, milk, mine, mint, mix, more, morning, mule, must,
nut, net, no, now, name, named, nail, neat, neck, nest, never, next, new, nine, noon, nose, note,
of, off, one, ouch, old, odd, once, open, orange, other, over,
play, puff, purse, park, parking, playing, pretty, penny, puppy, puddle, paint, painted, played, pinned, patch, price, pencil, put, pull, push, pain, pants, part, pave, pear, pen, pets, pick, pink, plan, plant, play, poor, print, punch, purple, put,
ran, read, ride, round, room, roof, rainfall, rub, rubs, rubbed, rubbing, rake, raking, rich, rain, rang, rank, river, road, rock, rode, rope, rub, rubber,
sun, snack snake, shake, stay, spray, stray, stuff, sniff, so, shy, she, shade, sheep, shout, south, slow, snow, serve, sir, stir, said, shook, says, sidewalk, sung, sang, string, strong, swamp, swan, star, snowing, singing, saddle, sound, sounded, sighed, snowed, skip, skipped, skipping, shaking, smile, smiled, saved, some, such, stitch, sail, sale, see, seed, seen, seep, sell, send, seven, shall, shape, sink, shirt, ship, shoes, shop, show, shut, sick, size, sled, sleep, slip, sister, smell, snail, snap, snore, snug, six, soda, sofa, sold, some, spit, start, step, stew, still, stone, stool, stop, stove, straw, summer, swing, skin, stick,
the, to, try, two, this, that, then, than, town, turn, third, tooth, took, talk, three, thing, trunk, thinking, thanking, tiny, thanked, tapping, taping, table, tail, take, tale, tank, team, tell, ten, tent, test, their, them, these, thick, time, today, train, truck, trust, twelve, there, those, tree, they
under, upon, use, used,
very, vest, vote,
way, will, well, with, what, was, wood, word, work, where, wash, wasp, watch, water, when, wanting, walking, washing, wanted, washed, were, which, wild, wait, walk, want, west, white, who, wing, winter, woman, women,
you, your, yell,
zero, zone,
sight, might, right, light, bright, delight, quite, write, invite, polite,
all, call, ball, fall, tall, small,
ink, pink, drink, think, honk, trunk, bank, wink,
are, ask, art, any, angels, April, August, along, added, asked, again, alphabet, another, animal, age, aren't, alive, alone, apart, away, awake, across, around, also, almost, always, award, aware, air, airplane, admire, after, ago, alarm, a lot, angry, aunt, add, argue, affect, ask, America, answer, arrange, arms, apple, act, apply, acceptable, adorable, agreeable, addition,
back, bike, bugs, bake, be, bless, blast, blond, brush, brave, best, brisk, brown, blow, birthday, brook, bookmark, bright, bite, buy, boy, baseball, bring, blank, blanket, bubble, busy, both, bear, biggest, brownie, believe, bought, brought, brother, banana, bean, bread, break, been, badge, bridge, belong, behind, become, bush, bushes, before, berry, bait, ball, balloon, band, bang, barn, bath, bead, beam, because, bedroom, bend, better, between, blaze, blend, blimp, blink, boat, boot, brag, brick, bride, broom, bother, bunch, busy, buy, by barn, birth, baby, blue, burn, beat, beach, brake, brew, body, build, bump, box, bill, boxes, brushes, breath, bank, bolt, belt, built, badly, bravely, brightest, bravest, brightness, bones, bearable,
cloth, clothes, clock, clap, class, club, cross, creek, cost, card, clown, come, cook, chalk, Christmas, cozy, counted, called, cleaned, check, choose, crunch, catch, classes, climb, combed, child, colder, cookie, chimney, chorus, caught, cleaning, cage, cent, chance, circus, circle, cousin, can't, color, collar, compare, careful, chair, carrot, carry, cherry, call, cannot, cash, center, charge, chess, chest, chicken, children, choke, chore, clapped, clash, clear, click, could, count, crank, crawl, crook, country, car, chant, cool, change, cycle, cold, count, corn, clue, came, curve, curl, clean, chew, clerk, core, clump, clamp, camp, cast, coin, cents, couches, cling, chart, cough, classify, cube, craft, colt, care, case, context, connect, cows, chewable, comfortable, contents, confusion,
duck, dry, drop, dress, dusk, do, down, donkey, December, dunk, daddy, dressed, deer, dear, dishes, draw, dawn, daughter, didn't, doesn't, don't, dream, double, dollar, dash, deep, desk, die, doctor, downtown, drip, drive, drove, drum, dump, dust, dye, dark, dirt, due, distance, does, dead, deaf, deal, drew, done, door, data, disk, divide, dish, dollars, dough, death, dock, drink, drank, drift, display, daily, dryer, dreamer, darkness, division, direction,
ended, earn, early, earmuffs, eaten, every, elephant, echo, echoes, eat, east, easy, each, eight, either, enjoy, entire, explore, everyone, everywhere, eye, eyes, eggs, end, even, ever, events, equal, enough, edge, ears, education, explosion,
fresh, flag, float, fly, fry, frost, for, frown, four, first, foot, food, flood, fright, February, freckle, frosty, faster, frozen, fold, folder, field, fought, father, fudge, fence, full, family, fed, feed, fight, finch, fish, five, flake, flap, flash, flaw, fleet, flesh, flop, flung, friend, frog, front, flight, found, fruit, few, fall, fern, fuel, flat, farm, fire, feet, foxes, fine, fear, fair, form, felt, face, flyer, fastest, funniest, forgetful, fiction, fig,
go, glad, glass, globe, grass, grape, ground, grow, group, girl, good, give, giggle, grew, graph, great, gentle, gloss, goat, goes, goose, grade, grand, grandfather, grandmother, green, grin, grind, goods, got, gold, gave, glue, growth, germ, guess, greater, gone, gift, geometry, gladly, grateful, goodness,
here, how, her, hurt, have, high, hallway, honk, happy, helped, hopscotch, hear, helper, houses, haul, he's, honey, head, heavy, huge, helpful, handful, hair, hasn't, haven't, heard, hook, horse, house, hush, hard, hold, help, hero, height, herd, home, hand, hour, honk, himself, hill, hopeful, helpful, happiness, helpfulness,
invite, I'm, I've, I'll, it's, isn't, influence,
join, joy, January, June, July, joyful, jail, jam, jump, jar, just, jolt, joyful,
kite, knock, knee, kneel, know, knew, kindly, key, keys, kick, kind, kiss, kitten, king, kindness,
lack, lick, lake, like, love, look, loose, lose, lights, lady, laugh, lunch, loudest, lunches, lamb, law, lawn, lemon, let's, lean, leave, limp, lion, list, loaf, lock, long, loud, lump, lunchroom, little, law, life, lost, limited, late, line, loud, length, large, lie, liquid, last, led, land, label, letter, laugh, lock, lift, left, loft, lay, loudly, lake, lead, loudest, love, likeness, listen, likable, lovable, location,
may, mark, many, most, manger, March, middle, mailed, marked, much, match, monkey, month, melon,, made, maid, maybe, meal, mean, mess, met, minus, mitt, mitten, myself, mail, mall, me, motion, might, mold, magnet, means, meat, metric, move, mind, mask, multiply, mother, march, money, messes, model, math, moth, mouth, months, minute, mile, meet, melt, madly, meaning,
north, noise, November, near, new, niece, none, nothing, neat, neighbor, nice, night, nobody, notes, notebook, number, nurse, nerve, neck, narrative,
one, our, ornaments, October, once, only, obey, other, out, outside, owl, over, oh, ocean, old, observe, oral, off, offend,
rainbow, rang, rested, rained, remind, rough, ready, race, reward, rabbit, raise, rake, reach, robin, rock, rude, rust, rain, raw, right, resource, rural, room, read, report, rise, rest, record, rich, repeat, rushes, ring, road, row, rope, rectangle, root, raft, ride, recreation,
pack, path, plus, plate, please, press, print, prize, play, porch, popcorn, pillow, pool, polite, point, presents, puppy, penny, pretty, puddle, puzzle, people, pearl, pear, plumber, pause, paws, piece, phrase, peanut, page, pledge, pencil, pull, put, push, playful, pair, parrot, pail, pain, park, pen, person, pine, planet, plot, plum, pond, prime, place, paint, paid, pitch, pole, parent, purse, peak, put, plan, port, predict, past, point, pair, patch, paragraph, path, pick, plane, pyramid, proudly, painter, problem, poem, painful, power, prefix,
question, quack, quick, quickly,
question, quack, quick, quickly,
shy, she, shape, so, stand, smell, smile, snap, snail, snuggle, sled, swam, sweep, splash, split, spray, sprinkle, scrap, scrape, scrub, strip, stripe, strike, street, squeak, squeal, squish, stay, scale, scan, scruff, scoop, scout, skate, sky, skid, skip, says, start, smart, sport, shortstop, slow, snowman, soup, stir, shirt, skirt, some, shook, school, sigh, small, sidewalk, shepherds, star, stable, singing, snowflakes, stockings, September, sang, swinging, strong, swung, stung, spilled, stitch, scratch, stretch, sleepy, slowly, sold, sauce, saucer, straw, son, someone, somewhere, stage, strange, space, since, score, store, shore, scare, stairs, sack, said, sail, sailboat, sand, screw, sea, seal, seam, second, seem, silly, seen, shame, sharp, sheep, shock, shut, sister, slam, slant, sleek, sleep, sleet, slice, slick, slide, slip, slot, snack, sneer, soap, song, soon, south, spark, speech, speed, spin, spoke, spoon, spy, stack, stain, stamp, state, steep, stick, stone, stuck, summer, swine, shark, services, saw, sight, strength, say, stages, side, sound, shout, suburban, same, stress, seat, sweat, sweet, spread, soil, sent, stew, step, serve, short, solid, size, stump, seven, spell, send, sand, steps, spot, study, such, search, starch, subtract, six, still, should, slush, share, string, sing spring, sting, sling, smaller, sloth, snack, square, sink, stink, shrink, soft, shift, swift, sift, stilt, salt, sun, sadly, softly, simple, server, singer, speaker, slowest, shortest, softest, smartest, silliest, select, self, sickness, seeds, speak, sizable, suffix, subtraction, sensible, support
tents, that, then, thin, two, try, to, tree, treat, trust, thrill, throw, there, today, turn, third, took, too, toothbrush, tight, toys, tall, talk, thing, thank, twinkle, trunk, they, they're, table, tiny, together, trusted, talked, tear, taken, thumb, told, turkey, they'll, they've, telephone, tough, thought taught, thousand, team, twice, touch, trouble, thankful, truthful, tore, tire, teach, tell, these, those, thrift, throb, tiger, tip, toad, toast, town, trade, trail, tramp, tray, tribe, trick, trim, trip, truth, ton, tow, tug, tune, twelve, twist, take, timeline, title, things, thirst, through, true, three, test, task, tusk, triumph, though, tooth, triangle, think, tally, teacher, thinker, tone, thoughtful, text
unless, unload, unlock, unpack, unfold, unbroken, unkind, useful, uncle, under, upon, use, urban, unit, us, usable,
verse, very, valley, vase, volume, valuable, vacation,
we, wish, with, way, word, wood, white, write, wished, whistle, whisper, whole, who, whose, wearing, were, winner, wild, who's, we're, won, wonder, weather, weigh, wasn't, weren't, wonderful, won't, written, wrap, wrong, wrinkle, wrestle, washing, water, warn, warm, wore, worn, wire, wait, winter, was, wash, weak, whale, what, wheel, which, why, wool, would, work, want, weight, whether, wear, well, went, wind, week, world, wishes, washes, wings, wall, wide, wink, welt, wilt, when, where, whip, while, whirl, woman, women, weekly, washer, workers
you, yard, your, year, yearly, you're, young, yellow, yesterday, yet, years, yes
Because of the more advanced words in the green level, it may be fun to place an asterisk next to words you'd want them to define, a double asterisk next to words you want them to use in a sentence (for example it's difficult to define 'he'll' , but it's easier to put it in a sentence) If they get both right, double the roll and they move that many forward! For more fun, have them multiply it by 2 to double the roll!
ask, are, axes, age, aid, answer, art, arm, arch, America, after, army, another, air, airport, anything, all, acorn, action, about, actor, agree, airport, alike, almost, alone, along, aloud, already, ate, awake, awhile, am, area, along, atom, annoy, around, author, appearance, among, airplane, attributes, angles, acute, always, attention, agreed, advantage, actually, accurate, available, ago,
beds, bath, buzz, bless, bass, bump, bank, blank, branch, batch, bunch, buzzes, brushes, blesses, bakes, broke, braces, bait, broils, boy, bleed, blow, blue, bright, beehive, beak, boat, boast, bake, baking, big, bigger, biggest, burn, boot, blew, blur, broom, bird, batter, buddy, bitter, border, Bible, brought, bike, barefoot, birdbath, birthday, baby, by, babies, buddies, bumpy, best, bumpier, bumpiest, badge, budge, bridge, breakfast, ball, bomb, build, busy, broken, beat, become, bedtime, beef, beet, began, bench, bent, berry, boil, bought, brand, brass, bring, bringing, brush, built, bury, bushes, butter, between, base, batteries, broke, bought, begin, both, behavior, beneficial, book, birds, balloon, buy, born, blood, bare, bear, being, bored, board, burned, bottles, better, bookcase, baseball, basket, behind, belong, brother, buying, beautiful, brew, because, body,
chin, clams, cloth, cuff, class, check, crunch, catch, crushes, classes, cake, chokes, choice, coin, cheek, creek, clue, classmate, catfish, coat, cream, coast, choke, choking, chop, chopping, close, closer, closest, car, chore, cart, chart, crew, cool, choppy, carry, candy, chapter, cradle, cow, clown, couch, cloud, chair, care, classroom, crazy, cozy, cry, candies, cries, cried, cage, claw, call, comb, climb, crumb, clover, cider, cannot, cast, cave, cent, cherries, cherry, chess, chest, chili, churn, clean, cobweb, coil, could, cracker, cure, curl, cut, checked, country, calculate, city, current, child, chance, can't, crash, civil, children, cross, crown, crawl, choose, copy, carpet, cycle, classify, compare, cone, clear, curled, church, conduct, cylinder, correct, common, collect, conclusion, certain, cellar, cowboy, change, cabin, connect, complex, confession, combination, cheerful, colorful, crops, culture, comfortable, capable, carried, custom, climate, comprehend, center, central, chuckle, candle, clarify, cook, chew, color, clerk, caught
drums, dent, deck, drank, drift, dusk, ditch, dresses, daylight, dream, didn't, drummer, dribble, duty, dry, dries, dried, dusty, dustier, dustiest, dodge, dawn, draw, daytime, dinner, doesn't, done, don't, dozen, drink, dwell, dress, digit, decimal, direction, demonstrate, determine, desert, dessert, destroy, division, disappear, dance, different, describe, data, diagram, divided, dangerously, disposable, derive, discovery, drew,
ear, enter, every, eight, edge, even, early, earn, eggnog, elbow, elsewhere, employ, enjoy, else, expand, easy, earth, electric, enough, element, example, engine, equation, extinct, equilateral, experiment, error, evidence, everyone, estimate, exact, especially, erasable, empty, emptied, explorer, establish, ever,
fed, fluff, fuzz, fish, finch, fetch, fixes, fizzes, flakes, feed, feel, flight, fright, flashlight, firefly, flagpole, fear, flat, flatter, flattest, far, fort, farm, first, fur, funny, foggy, fifty, fancy, fable, flower, flashlight, fireman, fry, fries, fried, foggy, foggier, foggiest, fudge, fawn, fall, fever, frozen, foundation, fraction, Friday, face, far, fault, fill, fired, fit, flavor, flow, fray, frost, full, fulfill, forms, front, father, fuel, follow, fraction, fence, fact, forest, fountain, fence, fact, floor, fly, fourth, flower, flour, firm, funny, farmers, football, future, forecast, focus, family, feature, formally, feeling, families, folklore, fluent, federal, final, few, fern, food, flat,
gruff, grill, glass, gift, grass, glasses, goat, gray, grayer, grayest, grimy, grudge, guess, gate, glove, glue, goldfish, goose, got, grabbed, grain, greet, grow, guild, guilt, grand, grade, graph, group, giraffe, gentle, ginger, grassland, growl, ground, glare, geometric, garden, geography, government, general, giggle, grew, germ,
ham, hum, husk, hatch, hunch, hatches, heel, heal, hoping, humming, hottest, horn, hurt, holly, hike, hazy, hobby, hobbies, hedge, heaven, hawk, hall, holy, heard, heart, haircut, half, halfway, hang, hare, hold, holiday, hot, huge, hunt, hurry, high, hope, hoe, held, however, hexagon, horse, hear, hair, hugged, happy, highest, hotter, hallway, hotel, hurried, hunting, harmful, helpfully, history, honorably, he's, haven't, he'll, handle, here, herd,
ill, itch, inch, ice, isn't, I'm, I'll, injection, invention, instruction, if, its, it's, inches, iron, important, influence, integer, idea, Indian, isosceles, identity, irritably, I've, I'd, interaction, independence, infer,
jump, joke, June, joint, joy, join, jeep, joked, jar, jolly, juggle, jingle, jaw, jellyfish, jerked, jumped, joyfully,
kettle, kick, knit, knot, knee, knew, know, knock, knight, kidnap, kind, keep, known, knife, knowledge
lamb, lady, ladybug, large, lasso, laugh, laughed, laughable, laundry, law, lawn, later, lazy, lazier, laziest, learn, leave, ledge, less, lesson, let's, lick, lift, light, like, likely, list, lobby, lodge, loud, low, lumber, lunchbox, locate, location, long, loss, lung, lunch, loose, looked, lunar,louder, logical, local, liked, leaving, lifted, lonely, lovely,
mops, men, moth, math, munch, matches, mixes, mess, mail, May, midnight, milkman, mailbox, meal, mop, mopped, more, March, muddy, merry, member, master, mother, maple, my, many, muddier, muddiest, mall, money, moment, motel, motion, mention, Monday, mare, mark, milking, mouse, mouth, move, much, myself, matter, motion, milk, match, mirror, multiplication, miss, marker, mountains, morning, magnify, measurement, market, music, mystery, mysteries, married, main, middle, modify, metric,
neck, nail, need, near, nearer, nearest, name, named, nice, nicer, nicest, new, number, nibble, nimble, now, navy, nudge, noontime, never, none, next, night, noise, north, noun, notebook, numeral, national, nation, nicely, natural, nerve,
oil, order, ouch, outside, only, one, once, over, oatmeal, own, open, often, office, ocean, operation, octagon, obtuse, orbit, observation, opinion, outdoors, outcome,
plums, peck, pump, patch, punch, passes, press, poke, place, page, prune, pay, pain, peel, peek, pray, prayed, praying, pass, passing, port, porch, plenty, party, plaster, paddle, pouch, proud, pair, playground, pony, pry, ponies, pledge, paw, paper, pupil, pail, pale, pancake, past, pear, pest, pick, pinch, pint, pitch, please, point, popcorn, pound, pretty, prize, pure, pushes, plant, pond, product, paragraph, photograph, particle, property, pushed, pencil, picked, pounds, pause, polygon, predict, pattern, pentagon, price, police, poor, pardon, prepare, poured, pulled, planets, pyramid, position, perfect, person, prism, puppy, permission, physical, playful, painfully, personally, precise, portable, penny, pennies, parties, passed, prior,
quitter, question, queen, queer, quick, quicksand, quiet, quilt, quit, quotient, quadrilateral, quotation,
rush, rash, ranch, rushes, raids, right, roast, roasted, roasting, racing, room, rafter, ramble, rifle, race, raced, rake, raked, ripe, riper, ripest, rage, ridge, ready, raw, rainstorm, rent, role, reached, raise, round, reflect, royal, relationship, river, resemble, real, repair, richest, rainbow, rule, rewind, resort, rolling, regional, rapidly, reusable, religion,
stop, stool, streak, star, store, stir, stopped, stone, staple, stable, starfish, stare, student, station, start, starvation, stand, studies, study, stump,stored, steel, started, stars, stairs, step, stepped, state, step, stew, steep, steal, stitch, stick, strangest, strategy, stressful, straw, strain, stray, stream, street, strike, shops, shed, shin, showed, shop, shopping, short, shoot, shatter, shelter, shack, shake, shower, share, shady, shiny, shinier, shiniest, shall, should, show, sharp, shock, showed, shoes, shadows, shirt, she's, she'll, shape, slam, slush, slice, slow, slower, slowest, slicing, sled, sledding, slamming, slip, slipped, sliced, sloppy, slipper, slimy, sly, sloppier, sloppiest, slight, skin, sketch, sky, skirt, spin, splash, spill, spice, sprays, sprains, spotlight, squeak, spinning, sport, spurt, spy, spies, spider, spelling, spend, spent, squirt, speech, sphere, swam, swish, switch, swimmer, sweet, sweat, swimming, swim, sum, sunlight, sunset, summer, subtraction, Sunday, sunny, sure, surely, sugar, sunshine, suddenly, sent, seeds, settle, sensation, section, search, seven, seem, settled, sequence, serve, sift, six, sight, simmer, sinner, sixty, single, silky, silkier, silkiest, silent, sign, singing, sister, simple, signal, said, saddle, saw, salvation, Saturday, save, safe, scratches, score, school, scramble, scarecrow, scarf, scream, science, scalene, smoke, snow, snowing, smile, smiling, smart, smuggle, snack, snake, snowman, smudge, small, smell, smarter, soggy, sorry, someone, sometime, soft, someone, somewhere, sought, sow, solve, something, source, south, sometimes, society, soon, symbol, syllable,
thin, ten, then, tent, thank, task, there, their, they, taxes, trace, tune, trails, toys, true, tight, treetop, throat, team, toast, trim, trimmed, thinner, thinnest, thorn, torch, third, threw, twenty, timber, thirty, thimble, thought, tack, take, town, tomorrow, tries, tried, through, thaw, tall, thumb, tiger, tulip, tuna, tuba, Tuesday, Thursday, talk, taught, tear, tearful, thirst, throne, throw, thrown, tipped, today, together, toothpaste, toy, try, turn, twig, thump, theme, trade, tiny, travel, those, tied, table, tundra, took, telescope, thick, tallest, talked, trying, traditional, thankfully, tenderly, tube, tribal, they're, there's, tools, they'll, they've, total,
upright, underdog, understand, understood, unlikely, until, useful, under, uncle, unit,
voices, very, vacation, visiting, volleyball, value, voice, verb, vet, visit, vision,
when, who, what, where, were, wax, wake, wages, wait, wheels, weeks, weak, weak, weaker, weakest, wag, wagged, wide, wider, widest, winner, winter, wavy, why, wedge, wall, wrap, wren, write, wrath, wreck, wrinkle, woman, women, won, Wednesday, warm, whatever, wire, won't, wood, word, worm, worth, work, worker, worry, wrench, west, whole, waves, while, wrong, wrist, watch, wife, walk, wetland, wild, worn, war, way, weigh, winter, welcome, whose, worried, we're, won't, wasn't, we'll, we'd, whether, weather, well,
yawn, young, yard, you're, you'll, you've,
zipper, zipped
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