
Spelling Words

For spelling you have several choices.  You can use the spelling words below and plug them into www.spellingcity.com

This site is enjoyed by some kids.  Mine, on the other hand, did not respond to it as well.  

You could also do the traditional spelling tests with writing each word in a sentence, defining each word the next day, etc.

Mine enjoyed continuing the option of 'learning with games'.  Simply place the spelling words on index cards and introduce the new subject to your board games.  Monopoly works best.(Feel free to continue using m n m's  or skittles for correct answers)  Use a separate color for each subject.  (for example- blue is spelling, yellow is sight words, etc)  Make sure you use dice so they can practice their adding, or have fun and have them subtract the dice. 

 ****If writing the words on cards seems like too much for you, and I'm with you it really is time-consuming, feel free to message me.  I can send you hand-written cards that I will make myself for $5 a grade /subject(plus s/h).  This will be a whole year worth of cards for sight either sight or spelling words.  (I will also separate them into smaller 'categories' for you) But if you write them yourself, it's free- your choice!

For more fun, throw in three or four dice!  When they land on the spelling color, (or whatever you are using to signify spelling) have them spell the word.  If, offhand, they miss the word, have them say and spell the word 4 or 5 times in a row, while showing card.  (example: ant, a-n-t, ant, a-n-t  .......)  If they miss the word while doing this, they have to start over.  Doing this will etch the word into their memory. (Also remember, if they miss the word, they can not move forward, but backwards) On the next turn, present them with the same word.  Put it a few cards down so they can review it again.  When they can easily spell the word for a month, toss the card.  When all cards are gone, move onto the next level/color.

All words are from private companies AND common core lists.  This only means that some words may be more advanced as compared to other curriculums.  I included common core as some people may have kids that want to attend middle or high school, and once they finish this they will have the spelling that is expected to do so.
**I have collected words from all over.  They aren't necessarily in alphabetical order, but I order them like this to make sure I don't have repetition.  Feel free to introduce them in any order.  There will also be blocks of words that have similar sounds.

a, alone, awake, asleep, around, apart, alike, ago, arose, along, aside, afraid, amount, away, again, any, are, add, after, apple, arm,

bus, bean, back, bake, brick, broke, bless, bell, be,  by, brush, brown, burn, book, boot, born, barn, bite,  baseball, boat, because, baby, bottle, been, baking, bench, blind, bicycle, bang, banana, bark, beat, being, best, bill, bike, bird, bone, black, blew, block, blue, brag, bring,, brook, brother, bush,

cub, coat, cone, cute, came, cake, cat, clock, clay, cuff, cross, cry, cloud, cow,  clown, crown, curl, chin, check, chick, cool, chalk, cornstalk, car, calling,,  coming, church, choose, chest, cold, child, comb, climb, cent, city, circus, circle, cane, chain,  card, cart, case, chair, chat, chop, clam, clan, clap, class, clean, crayon, club,  cook, corn, could, cram, crib, crow, crowd, cube,

day, doll, do, down, dirt, don't, ditch, dark, deal, desk, dew, dime, dine, door, draw, dress, drink, drop, dull, deep,

each, east, easy, eight, eleven, end, every,

fresh, first, food, foot, fork, from, farmer, fold, find, face, fang, farther, fast, fell, few, field, fill, fine, flag, flat, flew, flower, fog, fool, foot, fort, free, feel,

goat, game, gray, go, girl, good, give, garden, getting, gold, grace, gang, gave, gift, glad, going, golf, gone, grape, grass, green, grew, grit, gull,

he, her, have, horse,  happy, here, hop, hops, hopped, hopping, hit, hitting, hugged, hiking, hike, hiked, hoping, hoped, had, hand, hang, hard, harm, has, heat, heavy, help, hide, hill,  hint, home, hope, horn, how, hush, hot, hay, hopes, his,

jumping, joined, jaw, joke, juice, jump, just,

kite, kick, keep, king, kicked,,  kind, keep, know,

I, I'm, ice, ill, inside, into,

like, lick, look, loose, looking, lady, little, lift, lifted, looked, likes, liked, liking, lace, last, lake, late, lime, line, live, love, luck,

man, made, me, my, moon, much, mother, marble, middle, making,  match, Mr. Mrs., Miss, mild, mind, mice, maid, make, many, map, mask, may, meal, meat, meet, men, milk, mine, mint, mix, more, morning, mule, must,

nut, net, no, now, name, named, nail, neat, neck, nest, never, next, new, nine, noon, nose, note,

of, off, one, ouch, old, odd, once, open, orange, other, over,

play, puff, purse, park, parking, playing, pretty, penny, puppy, puddle, paint, painted, played, pinned, patch, price, pencil, put, pull, push, pain, pants, part, pave, pear, pen, pets, pick, pink, plan, plant, play, poor, print, punch, purple, put,

ran, read, ride, round, room, roof, rainfall, rub, rubs, rubbed, rubbing,  rake, raking, rich, rain, rang, rank, river, road, rock, rode, rope, rub, rubber,

sun, snack  snake, shake, stay, spray, stray, stuff, sniff, so, shy, she, shade, sheep, shout, south, slow, snow, serve, sir, stir, said, shook, says, sidewalk, sung, sang, string, strong, swamp, swan, star, snowing, singing, saddle, sound, sounded, sighed, snowed, skip, skipped, skipping, shaking, smile, smiled, saved, some, such,  stitch, sail, sale, see, seed, seen, seep, sell, send, seven, shall, shape, sink, shirt, ship, shoes, shop, show, shut, sick, size, sled, sleep, slip, sister, smell, snail, snap, snore, snug, six, soda, sofa, sold, some, spit, start, step, stew, still, stone, stool, stop, stove, straw, summer, swing, skin, stick,

the, to, try, two,  this, that, then, than, town, turn, third, tooth, took, talk, three,  thing, trunk, thinking, thanking, tiny, thanked, tapping, taping, table, tail, take, tale, tank, team, tell, ten, tent, test, their, them, these, thick, time, today, train, truck, trust, twelve, there, those, tree, they

under, upon, use, used,

very, vest, vote,

way, will, well, with, what, was, wood, word, work, where, wash, wasp, watch, water, when, wanting, walking, washing, wanted, washed, were, which, wild, wait, walk, want, west, white, who, wing, winter, woman, women,

you, your, yell,

zero, zone,

sight, might, right, light, bright, delight, quite, write, invite, polite,

all, call, ball, fall, tall, small,

ink, pink, drink, think, honk, trunk, bank, wink,

 are, ask, art, any, angels, April, August, along, added, asked, again, alphabet, another, animal, age,  aren't, alive, alone, apart, away, awake, across, around, also, almost, always, award, aware, air, airplane, admire, after, ago, alarm, a lot, angry, aunt, add, argue, affect, ask, America, answer, arrange, arms,   apple, act, apply, acceptable, adorable, agreeable, addition,

back, bike, bugs, bake, be,  bless, blast, blond, brush, brave, best, brisk, brown, blow, birthday, brook, bookmark, bright, bite, buy, boy, baseball, bring, blank, blanket, bubble, busy, both,  bear, biggest, brownie,  believe, bought, brought, brother, banana, bean, bread, break, been, badge, bridge, belong, behind, become, bush, bushes, before, berry, bait, ball, balloon, band, bang, barn, bath, bead, beam, because, bedroom, bend, better, between, blaze, blend, blimp, blink, boat, boot, brag, brick, bride, broom, bother, bunch, busy, buy, by barn, birth, baby, blue, burn, beat, beach, brake, brew, body, build, bump, box, bill, boxes, brushes, breath, bank, bolt, belt, built, badly, bravely, brightest, bravest, brightness, bones, bearable,  

cloth, clothes, clock, clap, class, club, cross, creek, cost, card, clown, come, cook, chalk, Christmas, cozy, counted, called, cleaned, check, choose, crunch, catch, classes,  climb, combed, child, colder, cookie, chimney, chorus, caught, cleaning, cage, cent, chance, circus, circle, cousin, can't, color, collar, compare, careful, chair, carrot, carry, cherry, call, cannot, cash, center, charge, chess, chest, chicken, children, choke, chore, clapped, clash, clear, click, could, count, crank, crawl, crook, country, car, chant, cool, change, cycle, cold, count, corn, clue, came, curve, curl, clean, chew, clerk, core, clump, clamp, camp, cast, coin, cents, couches, cling, chart, cough, classify, cube, craft, colt, care, case, context, connect, cows, chewable, comfortable, contents, confusion,

duck, dry, drop, dress, dusk, do, down, donkey, December, dunk, daddy, dressed, deer, dear,  dishes, draw, dawn, daughter, didn't, doesn't, don't, dream, double, dollar, dash, deep, desk, die, doctor, downtown, drip, drive, drove, drum, dump, dust, dye, dark, dirt, due, distance, does, dead, deaf, deal, drew, done, door, data, disk, divide, dish, dollars, dough, death, dock, drink, drank, drift, display, daily, dryer, dreamer, darkness, division, direction,

ended, earn, early, earmuffs, eaten, every, elephant, echo, echoes, eat, east, easy, each, eight, either, enjoy, entire, explore,  everyone, everywhere, eye, eyes, eggs, end, even, ever, events, equal, enough, edge, ears, education, explosion,

fresh, flag, float, fly, fry, frost, for, frown, four, first, foot, food, flood, fright, February, freckle, frosty, faster, frozen, fold, folder, field, fought, father, fudge, fence, full, family, fed, feed, fight, finch, fish, five, flake, flap, flash, flaw, fleet, flesh, flop, flung, friend, frog, front, flight, found, fruit, few, fall, fern, fuel, flat, farm, fire, feet, foxes, fine, fear, fair, form, felt, face, flyer, fastest, funniest, forgetful, fiction, fig,

go, glad, glass, globe, grass, grape, ground, grow, group,  girl, good, give, giggle, grew, graph, great, gentle, gloss, goat, goes, goose, grade, grand, grandfather, grandmother, green, grin, grind, goods, got, gold, gave, glue, growth, germ, guess, greater, gone, gift, geometry, gladly, grateful, goodness,

here, how, her, hurt, have, high, hallway, honk, happy,  helped, hopscotch, hear, helper, houses, haul, he's, honey, head, heavy, huge, helpful, handful, hair, hasn't, haven't, heard, hook, horse, house, hush, hard, hold, help, hero, height, herd, home, hand, hour, honk,  himself, hill, hopeful, helpful, happiness, helpfulness,

invite, I'm, I've, I'll, it's, isn't, influence,

join, joy, January, June, July, joyful, jail, jam, jump, jar, just, jolt, joyful,

kite, knock, knee, kneel, know, knew, kindly, key, keys, kick, kind, kiss, kitten, king, kindness,

lack, lick, lake, like, love, look, loose, lose, lights, lady, laugh, lunch, loudest, lunches, lamb, law, lawn, lemon,  let's, lean, leave, limp, lion, list, loaf, lock, long, loud, lump, lunchroom, little, law, life, lost, limited, late, line, loud, length, large, lie, liquid, last, led, land, label, letter, laugh, lock, lift, left, loft, lay, loudly, lake, lead, loudest, love, likeness, listen, likable, lovable, location,

may, mark, many, most, manger, March, middle, mailed, marked, much, match, monkey, month, melon,,  made, maid, maybe, meal, mean, mess, met, minus, mitt, mitten, myself, mail, mall, me, motion, might, mold, magnet, means, meat, metric, move, mind, mask, multiply, mother, march, money, messes, model, math, moth, mouth, months, minute, mile, meet, melt, madly, meaning,

north, noise, November, near, new, niece, none, nothing, neat, neighbor, nice, night, nobody, notes, notebook, number, nurse, nerve, neck,  narrative,

one, our, ornaments, October, once, only, obey, other, out, outside, owl, over, oh, ocean, old, observe, oral, off, offend,

rainbow, rang, rested,  rained, remind, rough, ready, race, reward,  rabbit, raise, rake, reach, robin, rock, rude, rust, rain, raw, right, resource, rural, room, read, report, rise, rest, record, rich, repeat, rushes, ring, road, row, rope, rectangle, root, raft, ride, recreation,

pack, path, plus, plate, please, press, print, prize, play, porch, popcorn, pillow, pool, polite, point, presents, puppy, penny, pretty, puddle, puzzle, people, pearl,  pear, plumber, pause, paws, piece, phrase, peanut, page, pledge, pencil,  pull, put, push, playful, pair,  parrot, pail, pain, park, pen, person, pine, planet, plot, plum, pond, prime, place, paint, paid, pitch, pole, parent, purse, peak, put,  plan, port, predict, past, point, pair, patch, paragraph, path, pick, plane, pyramid, proudly, painter, problem, poem, painful, power, prefix,

question, quack, quick, quickly,

shy, she, shape, so, stand, smell, smile, snap, snail, snuggle, sled, swam, sweep, splash, split, spray, sprinkle, scrap, scrape, scrub, strip, stripe, strike, street, squeak, squeal, squish, stay, scale, scan, scruff, scoop, scout, skate, sky, skid, skip, says, start, smart, sport, shortstop, slow, snowman, soup, stir, shirt, skirt, some, shook, school, sigh, small, sidewalk, shepherds, star, stable, singing, snowflakes, stockings, September, sang, swinging, strong, swung, stung, spilled, stitch, scratch, stretch, sleepy, slowly, sold, sauce, saucer, straw, son, someone, somewhere, stage, strange, space, since, score, store, shore, scare, stairs, sack,  said, sail, sailboat, sand, screw, sea, seal, seam, second, seem, silly, seen, shame, sharp, sheep, shock, shut, sister, slam, slant, sleek, sleep, sleet, slice, slick, slide, slip, slot, snack, sneer, soap, song, soon, south, spark, speech, speed, spin, spoke, spoon, spy, stack, stain, stamp, state, steep, stick, stone, stuck, summer, swine, shark, services, saw, sight, strength, say, stages, side,  sound, shout, suburban, same, stress, seat, sweat, sweet, spread, soil, sent, stew, step, serve, short, solid, size, stump, seven, spell, send, sand, steps, spot, study, such, search, starch, subtract, six, still, should, slush, share, string, sing spring, sting, sling, smaller, sloth, snack, square, sink, stink, shrink, soft, shift, swift, sift, stilt, salt, sun, sadly, softly, simple, server, singer, speaker, slowest, shortest, softest, smartest, silliest, select, self, sickness, seeds, speak, sizable, suffix, subtraction, sensible, support

tents, that, then, thin, two, try, to, tree, treat, trust, thrill, throw, there, today, turn, third, took, too, toothbrush,  tight, toys, tall, talk, thing,  thank, twinkle, trunk, they, they're, table, tiny, together, trusted, talked, tear, taken, thumb, told, turkey, they'll, they've, telephone, tough, thought taught, thousand, team, twice, touch, trouble, thankful, truthful, tore, tire,  teach, tell, these, those, thrift, throb, tiger, tip, toad, toast, town, trade, trail, tramp, tray, tribe, trick, trim, trip, truth, ton, tow, tug, tune, twelve, twist, take, timeline, title, things, thirst, through, true, three, test, task, tusk, triumph, though, tooth, triangle, think, tally, teacher, thinker, tone, thoughtful, text

unless, unload, unlock, unpack, unfold, unbroken, unkind, useful, uncle, under, upon, use, urban, unit, us, usable,

verse, very, valley, vase, volume, valuable, vacation,

we, wish, with, way, word, wood, white, write, wished, whistle, whisper, whole, who, whose, wearing,  were, winner, wild, who's, we're, won, wonder, weather, weigh, wasn't, weren't, wonderful, won't, written, wrap, wrong, wrinkle, wrestle, washing, water, warn, warm, wore, worn, wire, wait, winter, was, wash, weak, whale, what, wheel, which, why, wool, would, work, want, weight, whether, wear, well,  went, wind, week, world, wishes, washes, wings, wall, wide, wink, welt, wilt, when, where, whip, while, whirl, woman, women, weekly, washer, workers

you, yard, your, year, yearly, you're, young, yellow, yesterday, yet, years, yes


Because of the more advanced words in the green level, it may be fun to place an asterisk next to words you'd want them to define, a double asterisk next to words you want them to use in a sentence (for example it's difficult to define 'he'll' , but it's easier to put it in a sentence)  If they get both right, double the roll and they move that many forward!  For more fun, have them multiply it by 2 to double the roll!

ask, are, axes, age, aid, answer, art, arm, arch, America, after, army, another, air, airport, anything, all, acorn, action, about, actor, agree, airport, alike, almost, alone, along, aloud, already, ate, awake, awhile, am, area, along, atom, annoy, around, author, appearance, among, airplane, attributes, angles, acute, always, attention, agreed, advantage, actually, accurate, available, ago,

beds, bath, buzz, bless, bass, bump, bank, blank, branch, batch, bunch, buzzes, brushes, blesses, bakes, broke, braces, bait, broils, boy, bleed, blow, blue, bright, beehive, beak, boat, boast, bake, baking, big, bigger, biggest, burn, boot, blew, blur, broom,  bird, batter, buddy, bitter, border, Bible, brought, bike, barefoot,  birdbath, birthday, baby, by, babies, buddies, bumpy, best, bumpier, bumpiest, badge, budge, bridge, breakfast, ball, bomb, build, busy, broken, beat, become, bedtime, beef, beet, began, bench, bent, berry, boil, bought, brand, brass, bring, bringing, brush, built, bury, bushes, butter, between, base, batteries, broke, bought, begin, both, behavior, beneficial, book, birds, balloon, buy, born, blood, bare, bear, being, bored, board, burned, bottles, better, bookcase, baseball, basket, behind, belong, brother, buying, beautiful, brew, because, body,

chin, clams, cloth, cuff, class, check, crunch, catch, crushes, classes, cake, chokes, choice, coin, cheek, creek, clue, classmate, catfish, coat, cream, coast, choke, choking, chop, chopping, close, closer, closest, car, chore, cart, chart, crew, cool, choppy, carry, candy, chapter, cradle, cow, clown, couch, cloud, chair, care, classroom, crazy, cozy, cry, candies, cries, cried,  cage, claw, call, comb, climb, crumb, clover, cider, cannot, cast, cave, cent, cherries, cherry, chess, chest, chili, churn, clean, cobweb, coil, could, cracker, cure, curl, cut, checked, country, calculate, city, current, child, chance, can't, crash, civil, children, cross, crown, crawl, choose, copy, carpet, cycle, classify, compare, cone, clear, curled, church, conduct, cylinder, correct, common, collect, conclusion, certain, cellar, cowboy, change, cabin, connect, complex, confession, combination, cheerful, colorful, crops, culture, comfortable, capable, carried,  custom, climate, comprehend, center, central, chuckle, candle, clarify, cook, chew, color, clerk, caught

drums, dent, deck, drank, drift, dusk, ditch, dresses, daylight, dream, didn't, drummer, dribble, duty, dry, dries, dried, dusty, dustier, dustiest, dodge, dawn, draw, daytime, dinner, doesn't, done, don't, dozen, drink, dwell,  dress, digit, decimal, direction, demonstrate, determine, desert, dessert, destroy, division, disappear, dance, different, describe, data, diagram, divided, dangerously, disposable, derive, discovery, drew,

ear, enter, every, eight, edge, even, early, earn, eggnog, elbow, elsewhere, employ, enjoy, else, expand, easy, earth, electric, enough, element, example, engine, equation, extinct, equilateral, experiment, error, evidence, everyone, estimate, exact, especially, erasable, empty, emptied, explorer, establish, ever,

fed, fluff, fuzz, fish, finch, fetch, fixes, fizzes, flakes, feed, feel, flight, fright, flashlight, firefly, flagpole, fear, flat, flatter, flattest, far, fort, farm, first, fur, funny, foggy, fifty, fancy, fable, flower, flashlight, fireman, fry, fries, fried, foggy, foggier, foggiest, fudge, fawn, fall, fever, frozen, foundation, fraction, Friday, face, far, fault, fill, fired, fit, flavor, flow, fray, frost, full, fulfill, forms, front, father, fuel, follow,  fraction, fence, fact, forest, fountain, fence, fact, floor, fly, fourth, flower, flour, firm, funny, farmers, football, future, forecast, focus, family, feature, formally, feeling, families, folklore, fluent, federal, final, few, fern, food, flat,

gruff, grill, glass, gift, grass, glasses, goat, gray, grayer, grayest, grimy, grudge, guess, gate, glove, glue, goldfish, goose, got, grabbed, grain, greet, grow, guild, guilt, grand, grade, graph, group, giraffe, gentle, ginger, grassland, growl, ground, glare, geometric, garden, geography,  government, general, giggle, grew, germ,

ham, hum, husk, hatch, hunch, hatches, heel, heal, hoping,  humming, hottest, horn, hurt, holly, hike, hazy, hobby, hobbies, hedge, heaven, hawk, hall, holy, heard, heart, haircut, half, halfway, hang, hare, hold, holiday, hot, huge, hunt, hurry, high, hope, hoe, held, however, hexagon, horse, hear, hair, hugged, happy, highest, hotter, hallway, hotel, hurried, hunting, harmful, helpfully, history, honorably, he's, haven't, he'll, handle, here, herd,

ill, itch, inch, ice, isn't, I'm, I'll, injection, invention, instruction, if, its, it's, inches, iron, important, influence, integer, idea, Indian, isosceles, identity, irritably, I've, I'd, interaction, independence, infer,

jump, joke, June, joint, joy, join, jeep, joked, jar, jolly, juggle, jingle, jaw, jellyfish, jerked, jumped, joyfully,

kettle, kick, knit, knot, knee, knew, know, knock, knight,  kidnap, kind, keep, known, knife, knowledge

lamb,  lady, ladybug, large, lasso, laugh, laughed, laughable, laundry, law, lawn, later, lazy, lazier, laziest, learn, leave, ledge, less, lesson, let's, lick, lift, light, like, likely, list, lobby,  lodge, loud, low, lumber,  lunchbox,    locate, location,  long, loss, lung, lunch,  loose, looked, lunar,louder, logical, local, liked, leaving, lifted, lonely, lovely,

mops, men, moth, math, munch, matches, mixes, mess, mail, May, midnight, milkman, mailbox, meal, mop, mopped, more, March, muddy, merry, member, master, mother, maple, my, many, muddier, muddiest, mall, money, moment, motel, motion, mention, Monday, mare, mark, milking, mouse, mouth, move, much, myself, matter, motion, milk, match, mirror, multiplication, miss, marker, mountains, morning, magnify, measurement, market, music, mystery, mysteries, married,  main, middle, modify, metric,

neck, nail, need, near, nearer, nearest, name, named, nice, nicer, nicest, new, number, nibble, nimble, now, navy, nudge, noontime, never, none, next, night, noise, north, noun, notebook, numeral, national, nation, nicely, natural, nerve,

oil, order, ouch, outside, only, one, once, over, oatmeal, own, open, often, office, ocean, operation, octagon, obtuse, orbit,  observation, opinion, outdoors, outcome,

plums, peck, pump, patch, punch, passes, press, poke, place, page, prune, pay, pain, peel, peek, pray, prayed, praying, pass, passing, port, porch, plenty, party, plaster, paddle, pouch, proud, pair, playground, pony, pry, ponies, pledge, paw, paper, pupil, pail, pale, pancake, past, pear, pest, pick, pinch, pint, pitch, please, point, popcorn, pound, pretty, prize, pure, pushes, plant, pond, product, paragraph, photograph, particle, property, pushed, pencil, picked, pounds, pause, polygon, predict, pattern, pentagon, price, police, poor, pardon, prepare, poured, pulled, planets, pyramid, position, perfect, person, prism, puppy, permission, physical, playful, painfully, personally, precise, portable, penny, pennies, parties, passed,  prior,

quitter, question, queen, queer, quick, quicksand, quiet, quilt, quit, quotient, quadrilateral, quotation,

rush, rash, ranch, rushes, raids, right, roast, roasted, roasting, racing, room, rafter, ramble, rifle, race, raced, rake, raked, ripe, riper, ripest, rage, ridge, ready, raw, rainstorm, rent, role,  reached, raise, round, reflect, royal, relationship, river, resemble, real, repair, richest, rainbow, rule, rewind, resort, rolling, regional, rapidly, reusable,  religion,

stool,  streak, star, store, stir, stopped, stone, staple, stable, starfish, stare, student, station, start, starvation, stand, studies, study, stump,stored, steel, started, stars, stairs, step, stepped, state, step, stew, steep, steal, stitch, stick, strangest, strategy, stressful, straw,  strain, stray, stream, street, strike, shops, shed, shin, showed, shop, shopping, short, shootshatter, shelter, shack, shake, shower, share, shady,  shiny, shinier, shiniest, shall, should, show, sharp, shock, showed, shoes, shadows, shirt, she's, she'll, shape, slam, slush, slice, slow, slower, slowest, slicing, sled, sledding, slamming, slip, slipped, sliced, sloppy, slipper, slimy, sly, sloppier, sloppiest, slight, skin, sketch, sky, skirt, spin, splash, spill, spice, sprays, sprains, spotlight, squeak,  spinning, sport, spurt, spy, spies, spider, spelling, spend, spent, squirt, speech, sphere, swam, swish, switch, swimmer, sweet, sweat, swimming, swim, sum, sunlight, sunset, summer, subtraction, Sunday, sunny, sure, surely, sugar, sunshine, suddenly, sent, seeds, settle, sensation, section, search, seven, seem, settled, sequence, serve, sift, six, sight, simmer, sinner, sixty, single, silky, silkier, silkiest, silent, sign, singing, sister, simple, signal, said, saddle, saw, salvation, Saturday, save, safe, scratches, score, school, scramble, scarecrow, scarf, scream, science, scalene, smoke, snow, snowing, smile, smiling, smart, smuggle, snack, snake, snowman, smudge, small, smell, smarter, soggy, sorry, someone, sometime, soft, someone, somewhere, sought, sow, solve, something, source, south, sometimes, society, soon, symbol, syllable, 

thin, ten, then, tent, thank, task, there, their, they, taxes, trace, tune, trails, toys, true, tight, treetop, throat, team, toast, trim, trimmed,  thinner, thinnest, thorn, torch, third, threw, twenty, timber, thirty,  thimble, thought, tack, take, town, tomorrow, tries, tried, through, thaw, tall, thumb, tiger, tulip, tuna, tuba, Tuesday, Thursday, talk, taught, tear, tearful, thirst, throne, throw, thrown, tipped, today, together, toothpaste, toy, try, turn, twig, thump, theme, trade, tiny, travel, those, tied, table, tundra, took, telescope, thick, tallest, talked, trying, traditional, thankfully, tenderly, tube, tribal, they're, there's, tools, they'll, they've, total, 

upright, underdog, understand, understood, unlikely, until, useful, under, uncle, unit,
voices, very, vacation, visiting, volleyball, value, voice, verb, vet, visit, vision,

when, who, what, where, were, wax, wake, wages, wait, wheels, weeks, weak, weak, weaker, weakest, wag, wagged, wide, wider, widest, winner, winter, wavy, why, wedge, wall, wrap, wren, write, wrath, wreck, wrinkle, woman, women, won, Wednesday, warm, whatever, wire, won't, wood, word, worm, worth, work, worker, worry, wrench, west, whole, waves, while, wrong, wrist, watch, wife, walk, wetland, wild, worn, war, way, weigh, winter, welcome, whose, worried, we're, won't, wasn't, we'll, we'd, whether, weather, well,

yawn, young, yard, you're, you'll, you've,

zipper, zipped

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