Friday, March 20, 2015

Stage 2: Does your child already know ther phonics?

Do not worry about the numbers so much.  Just keep reviewing.  If your child has already learned them, I will give you a few ideas later in this stage.  The goal is not to overwhelm.  If your child isn't ready, they are not ready.  Even if they think they are.

I will tell you another story.  I started the ABC board when my oldest was may had been 3 going on 4.  She really wanted to read.  I told her she was too young, but she wanted to read now!  So I studied classical learning and found children's minds are like sponges.  She quickly picked it up.   She learned all her phonics, every letter- by all standards she was ready to move to the next step...

Proud mommy!

We sounded out, just like you see in all the models c-a-t.
She responded c-a-t.   She did not respond cat.  The letters did no connect at all!  It was very frustrating, for her and me.  She wasn't ready.  She was only 4, and although she wanted to learn to read, she just wasn't ready!  She became frustrated, I became frustrated, until one day I just put my foot down.  I refused to teach her.  She was furious!!  I bought her the educational toys, but they didn't work for her.  Than I came upon the 'Leap Frog' DVD's.  And it clicked!

Now, even if your child picks up sounding out, these DVD's will definitely be a good investment.

I believe the cover may have changed recently, but the DVD should be the same.  After a few weeks of watching this this DVD, which was one of her favorites, it just clicked!  She was ready!:)

I am leaving you here with reading.  If your child catches on, that is great!  Practice sounding out simple words.  If not, allow them to pick up at their own pace.  When they are ready, it will come. 

For those that are going to kindergarten, practice the board regularly. morning, nap/break, and bedtime.  Make it fun, no pressure.  They will pick it up and be excited as they move on.

Remember, you are homeschooling.  Your child CAN NOT  be behind.  They are where they should be.  In Finland, they don't start school till age 7.  Yet, their education far exceeds ours.  There are unschoolers that don't learn to read till age 11, and I'm not saying you should wait that long, but in one year they catch up to their peers.  Read to them, encourage them, it will come.  Best of all, studies show that kids that aren't rushed into reading enjoy  it more.
Have Fun!

Now... about the numbers.

If your child has still not finished the number board, that is okay.  They can still participate in this.  After all, the point here is to absorb.  They can understand it later.

When my children were younger we had a wagon, a stroller with my oldest.  I would walk to a local college campus.  We had all the sprinkler systems memorized! ;)  Long story short, I would quiz them along the way.  1+1= __   When they got the answer right I would take off running, pop a wheelie in the stroller.  They loved it!!  They were just having fun.   Without knowing it, they were learning.  Review is the key here. 

Pull out some yogurt covered raisins, m n m's , and count.  Take a few away, how many now?
When they get an answer right, they win the candy/fruit. 

Teaching right or left.
Hokey Pokey
Yes, surprisingly, kids love to copy their parents, and aerobics is no different.  Kick to the left, kick to the right. 

I see (in the car)
I see a something green on my right....

They will learn with out knowing it.

And that is where I will leave you.  Remember to always to put their newly learned concepts on index cards.  These will be excellent cards to review during board games.  Grandparents will love playing and seeing what the children are learning as well ;)  .  Also, put the letters and phonics letters on index cards as well.  Review is very important and if you do not continue to review, because they are not using them right now, they will forget.

Another story.
My second child wasn't all that motivated to read.  That may have been the reason why she wasn't picking up the phonics very fast.  I went through the chart.  I did everything!  She didn't get it.  I decided not to review letters, I would just relax.  In a few months, she'll get it.

She forgot nearly everything!!
Six months later, we had to start, nearly from scratch! 


Just make it fun.  It is always fun to have a few easy questions in board games.  If your child gets tired of board games, change boards, start using dice.  They will need to count the dots and inadvertently learn to add.  You can throw in a jelly bean or peanut for each answer they get correct. 
If they get it wrong, encourage them not to worry.  Put that card at the top of the pile so the next time they can answer that one again.  Continue this till they get it right.  Then, place the card under a few more cards so they can continue it till they get it right.  They always have that second chance.

Alright, I'm leaving you with that. 
Remember to have fun!!

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